miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2007

Letter to you

Dear friend,

This blog is like an NGO: it is easier to say what it is not, rather than what it actually is. The idea is that you will hardly read anything strictly connected to my professional duties, or any touristic promotion of the beauties of this little paradise between the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. I shall try this experiment to write down my personal feelings, emotions, frustrations, and happiness or, simply, thoughts that accompany me in this new, dramatic and amazing experience in a new land. I think I am doing this for myself: maybe just a narcissistic exercise, which aim is to explore the “heart of darkness” inside myself. Anyway, I hope you will enlighten me from time to time with your own thoughts, arising from what you will read. Please give me your feedback and don’t leave Kurtz behind.

Please make sure to read the very first post before: it will give you an idea about Suqutrah, precious pearl and pride of its lucky People.

I hope you will enjoy reading this blog from time to time. I shall be sure of this if one happy day you will come to see me.


1 comentario:

Jed Carosaari dijo...

I just stumbled across your blog from my Google Feed, and I plan to become a regular reader. I have been fascinated by Suqutra for years, and want to get over there to work in development or biology. What are you doing there, if I may ask?